Spine & Torso:

Thank you for your honest feedback!
What changes have you noticed in your spine, torso and head? How about in the rest of your body? If possible, please be specific. Changes in specific poses or daily activities, personal awareness, range of movement; anything quantifiable is awesome. 
How would you describe changes in your outer life that you attribute to your work in the Spine & Torso course?
If you are an Anusara trained yoga teacher, how has this course supported your practice as an Anusara teacher? Would you recommend this course to other Anusara teachers? Why?
What did you like best about the course? *
What would you like to see more of? *
If you had to describe the course in a single word or phrase? *
How did you find the pacing of the course? *
How would you describe Julia’s role in supporting your embodiment journey? Would you recommend this work? *
If you'd like to continue the exploration into the body, would you like to sign up for: 
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Would you be willing to be interviewed by Julia at a later point in time?
May we use your name and comments as a testimonial? If yes to the comments and no to the name, instead list how we can reference you, i.e.:
  1. If you are a yoga student or teacher, or your profession.
  2. Where you are from or your age or other locating details.
  3. If you came because of an injury, brief description of your injury.
Thank you for completing the survey! You've unlocked the Bonus content for this course. Please bookmark this so you can come back to it. https://members.bondofasana.com/supportive-waters/spine-torso/bonus/
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Julia is available to answer any lingering questions about the material or questions about continuing, email her! Julia.pearring@gmail.com 😊





