Upper Arms & Shoulders:
April – June 2023 Syllabus

Week 1: Unfold Into the Freedom of Your Girdle
- Orient to the bones and joints of your shoulder girdle, and what they tell us about how our upper limb meets our torso
- Engage the full range of your shoulder girdle, distinguishing between spinal/torso movement and movement of your girdle, as well as link and coordinate between them
- Connect with the freedom of being Self-supported, in an introduction on the sound vibration of Niralambaya (our sanskrit syllable for the 4 weeks)
- Explore your “folded up wing”, tracing the pathway of weight as it travels through your scapula
Objective: Come to know your girdle’s potential for space and reach.
Materials released: Saturday, April 1st
Yoga class: Thursday, April 6th @ 6:00pm ET or Friday, April 7th @ 12:30pm ET
Week 2: Tether Into Your Self-Woven Fabric
- Access the musculature articulation of your shoulder, bringing all sides into a coordinated mobility and strength
- Investigate the ‘V’ of your shoulder girdle- its energetic expansion and physical connection into your front and back body via kinetic chains (sheaths or fabric)
- Balance the relationship between your front and back body through a continued exploration of the front and back of your scapula
- Invite your breath into the possibility of circumferential expansion in your upper torso and ribs
Objective: Reinvigorate your shoulder’s relationship with your torso.
Materials released: Saturday, April 8th
Workshop: Friday, April 14th @ 12:30pm ET
Week 3: Reinforce Through Inner Repose
- Learn to evenly engage the medial border of your scapula towards your spine
- Connect your upper limb to its depth by locating your heart focal point, no matter the shape and forces present within the pose
- Train your musculature to work with the presence of your breath, acknowledging the dynamic presence your shoulder is meeting and engaging
- Clarify the muscles that connect to and travel down from your head, and their role for maintaining stability and space between your head and your upper limb
Objective: Learn the implications and the potentials for your scapula to organize from your head to your hips.
Materials released: Saturday, April 15th
Q&A discussion: Friday, April 21st @ 12:30pm
Week 4: Create From Your Heart’s Abundance
- Exercise and challenge your shoulder girdle by bringing all that we’ve explore into full body patterns and recruitment
- Realize your shoulder girdle as a pivotal initiator and organizer for your posture, alignment, movement and expression
- Fully enact your shoulder girdle as a significant contributor to the well being of your body on a physical and subtle level
- Commit to the health of your shoulder girdle through regular assessment, full range activation and active listening
Objective: Through integration and extension, come to know the expansive power of your shoulder girdle.
Materials released: Saturday, April 29th
Yoga class: Thursday, May 4th @ 6:00pm ET or Friday, May 5th @ 12:30pm ET
Week 5: Pivot Towards Your Inner Light
- Familiarize yourself with your shoulder joint, its bones, grooves, particularities, and what they tell us about how our upper limb meets our torso
- Engage the muscles of your “rotator cuff,” learn how we pivot within the shoulder joint to find its deepest congruence
- Connect with your vital essence of illumination, in an introduction on the sound vibration of Tejase (our sanskrit syllable for the 4 weeks)
- Explore the full range of your shoulder, distinguishing between shoulder joint and shoulder girdle movement as well as coordinating between them
Objective: Offer your shoulders the potential of a greater compatibility and resonance.
Materials released: Saturday, May 6th
Yoga class: Thursday, May 11th @ 6:00pm ET or Friday, May 12th @ 12:30pm ET
Week 6: Mobilize Your Shoulder’s Strength
- Investigate the ligaments of your shoulder joint, how they provide necessary boundaries to the musculature of your shoulder
- Access the musculature articulation of your shoulder joint, bringing all sides into a coordinated mobility and strength
- Balance the relationship between your arm’s flexors and extensors, between biceps and triceps, bringing an even tone to the two sides of your upper arm
- Understand the action of retraction of your upper arm bone, the deepening of your humerus in its socket, to distinguish from the retraction of your shoulder blade
Objective: Coordinate the efforts of your shoulders to utilize their dynamic potency.
Materials released: Saturday, May 13th
Personal Development: Posted, Thursday May 18th
Week 7: Reach for Deep Shoulder Stability
- Increase awareness and agency of your shoulder by organizing locally and then engaging more fully
- Connect to the depth of your shoulder and armpit, no matter the shape and forces present within the pose
- Revisit the muscles that connect your upper limb to your torso and to your other limbs, to recruit their support most efficiently and dynamically
- Call in the energy that supports you and reflects the brilliance of your own inner presence
Objective: Gain sturdiness and suppleness throughout your full range.
Materials released: Saturday, May 20th
Q&A Discussion: Friday, May 26th @ 12:30pm
Week 8: Realize Your Transformative Power
- Exercise and challenge your shoulders by bringing all that we’ve explore into full body patterns and recruitment
- Realize your shoulders as a pivotal initiator and organizer for your posture, alignment, movement and expression
- Fully enact your shoulders as a significant contributor to the well being of your body on a physical and subtle level
- Commit to the health of your shoulders through regular assessment, full range activation and active listening
Objective: Through integration and extension, come to know the expansive power of your shoulders.
Materials released: Saturday, May 27th
Yoga class: Friday, June 2nd @ 12:30pm ET
Tech support: Julia.pearring@gmail.com
Weekly Q+A questions with subject line BoA Q&A: Julia.pearring@gmail.com
Anything else course-related: Julia.pearring@gmail.com 😊